'I think I love her,' I told PP.
'You think or you actually do?' she asked.
'I do. Am sure of it. I have thought about it a lot for the past two months. In fact, this is the only thing I have ever given so much thought to. '
'Hmmmm,' came the reply. 'Tab kis baat ka wait kar raha hai. Jaake bata de usko.'
'Huh. Why?'
'Cause...she may not understand. I mean we are very good friends, and she may not like it.'
'What are you saying man, cant get you.'
'We have been friends for a while, and I am scared that if I propose to her, she might get pissed off at me, and then start ignoring me or something. In worst case she might break all contacts with me.'
'If she is really your friend, why would she do something like that? '
'Cause girls are like that na. They prefer to ignore, as they know it causes the guy lot of pain.'
'Rubbish, dont make sexist comments like that. All girls are not like that. '
'I dunno yaar. I do like her a lot, but i guess I do not have the guts to tell her that I actually love her. I dont want to risk it at the cost of this friendship.'
'You have to decide man. Whether to take a risk or not. But if you keep waiting and hesitating, she will surely find someone else. '
'Noo, I cant let that happen. I cant even tolerate the thought of her being with another guy. Its just preposterous.'
'Then go ahead and say it. You must not repent later that you lost the chance. Besides she might like you as well. You never know'
' I dunno, man I really dunno. Am like totally confused. And the worst part is that I cannot really concentrate on anything else. Studies, work, nothing. '
'Whats so hard in expressing your feelings anyways?'
'I dunno. I normally never talk about any of this stuff. Love, romance, it never made sense to me. But i know that I like her because she is a genuine person. Honest and righteous. Someone who sticks to her principles and morals, and someone who can stand for whats right.'
'Then what are you waiting for. She is the perfect girl for you. Go ahead and confess your feelings for her.'
'But, but..what if she likes someone else?'
'Listen, in that case there is nothing you can do about it. Remember that her decision will be hers. You cant change it or influence it in any way. She will do whats right for her, and you must accept it. But in any case, she will at least know the truth. Dont hide it from her. She deserves to know.'
'I guess you are right, PP. Thanks a lot, as usual. I know I can always depend on you for anything.'
'Stop acting like a loser and go for it. And stop pestering me all the while too. Learn to believe in yourself. Bye and best of luck.'